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Your company's financial transactions must be recorded and categorized correctly so that your deductible expenses can be accurately calculated, thus lowering your tax obligations.  An efficient receipt and documentation management system must also be in place to maintain complete records.  This is very important in the unfortunate event that your company is audited by the IRS.  Accurate and complete records are also necessary to be able to analyze your company and make business decisions.   After launching a business, owners find themselves consumed with daily operations and growth strategies.  Keeping accurate financial records, although essential, is often one of the first responsibilities to be neglected.  Bookkeeping is one of the most important functions of a business, however it is also extremely time consuming and tedious.  It takes valuable time from the owner that can be spent focused on other areas of the business. More importantly it interferes with opportunities to spend quality time with loved ones and enjoy life.  There can be a huge learning curve when it comes to accurate bookkeeping and using accounting software.  As a result, bookkeeping is a very common function that business owners outsource.  When choosing someone to handle such a vital task be sure your books are in the hands of a competent, experienced professional.  I am a trained bookkeeper with a QuickBooks ProAdvisor certification.  You can rest assured that your books are in good hands with Arai Financial.  Contact me today to discuss how I can assist with your bookkeeping and record management needs.

Stressed Woman


It is not uncommon for business owners to fall months, even years, behind on bookkeeping.  This is rarely an intentional oversight, but typically the result of a lack of time, knowledge, or manpower.  The consequences of falling behind on bookkeeping usually are felt during tax time.  Business owners are forced to guess or estimate their income and expense numbers to share with their tax preparers.  Hiring a CPA or other tax professional to comb through your company's records can be very expensive.  This can easily become a frustrating and overwhelming situation for someone who is not a trained bookkeeping professional. It is very important that your books are accurate and current at all times.  It is not only a legal obligation, but it is also essential to optimally operate and grow your business.  If you have found yourself in this situation, don't worry. No matter how far behind you are or how much documentation is missing, I will help you quickly get your books caught up and organized.

Image by Mika Baumeister


Does your business invoice customers?  If so, having accurate records of who owes you, when payments are due, and how much is to be received is a very important part of running a profitable business. I can provide you with detailed aging reports so that you are always knowledgeable when it comes to outstanding and future receivables.  I can also create and send invoices to your customers and accurately apply payments. 

Accurately keeping track of bills and paying them in a timely manner is critical for the financial health of your business.  Paying bills late can negatively affect your relationship with vendors and result in expensive late fees. As a client of Arai Financial, you can count on me to provide detailed Accounts Payable reports, so you are always aware of your current and future financial obligations.  These reports can also be used to forecast future cashflows more accurately. I can also go a step forward and personally ensure that your bills are paid in a timely manner.  Contact me today to learn the many ways that I can assist you with your A/R & A/P needs.



If you have employees, you understand how important it is to process payroll accurately and in a timely manner.  Your employees depend on their pay for their livelihood and that of their families.  Not to mention there is a legal obligation to accurately calculate and pay payroll taxes.  If done improperly, this can result in hefty fines and penalties.  The payroll process consists of onboarding employees, tracking time, processing wages, making payments, posting the accounting entry, filing tax forms, and offboarding employees as needed.  Not to mention benefits, PTO, and other payroll elements that may be included.  This process can be very daunting and complicated and should only be handled by a trained Payroll professional, like myself.  I am a certified expert in Gusto Payroll Software and can handle all areas of your payroll process.  I will ensure you stay compliant by setting your employees (or contractors) up properly in the system and help you to create or integrate an exceptional time tracking system for non-exempt employees.  I will also run your payroll according to your specified requirements and pay schedule, ensuring your employees are paid accurately and on time each and every pay period.  Your employer and employee federal, state, and local payroll taxes will be calculated accurately and I will even handle the payments and filings on your behalf.  Contact me to setup a consultation to discuss your payroll needs and how I can help you.  

Financial Report


Profitability Reporting

At bare minimum every company should have immediate access to basic reports such as the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Profit and Loss Statement.  These reports are vital in order to know the financial health of your company.  These reports come standard with my bookkeeping services and will always be provided to you.  Due to my unique background I can also provide enhanced reporting services.  My clients will have access to many different specialized profitability reports.  I can even provide custom reports based on my client's needs and provide ad hoc reports very quickly.  The data provided by these reports will offer you increased insight into your company's financial position to help you measure growth as well as make better, more informed business decisions.   

Financial Analysis​

Ever wonder why large companies are able to grow to unimaginable heights?  One key reason is because their decision makers have access to valuable information that they use to make operational decisions.  They hire skilled Financial Analysts, like myself, to research, interpret, and present data so that sound strategies can be executed.  Any size businesses can benefit greatly from taking this same approach.  As a client of Arai Financial, I can provide detailed analysis on your company's current and historical financial data to identify income growth and expense reduction opportunities.  Contact me and let's talk about how I can assist you in your company's analytical needs.


Forecasting is a very specialized skill set held by select Finance professionals.  Forecasting is a tool that is used to give insight into the future profitability of a business.  It can also be used to predict how certain changes in key variables will affect the company over time.  Want to forecast future cash flows? Want to know how a change in your operations, employees, sales, etc. will affect your profits?  I can answer those questions and more using my extensive knowledge in building and interpreting forecasting models.  

Why Choose Arai Financial?

Typical bookkeeping providers fall short when it comes to effectively setting up accounts so that they can yield useful financial data.  Accounts must be set up in a way that provides your tax preparer with the income and expense data that they require to optimally reduce your tax obligations each year.  This can result in a massive amount of savings for your company.  Accounts also require specialized categorization to be able to effectively conduct profitability analysis and reporting.  I will ensure that your company is setup properly for both tax and analysis purposes.


Arai Financial is also unique in regards to the specialized services that are offered.  My financial analyst background has awarded me with skills that are well outside of the scope of most bookkeepers.  In addition to exceptional bookkeeping, Arai Financial also offers expert enhanced reporting, analysis, and forecasting services.  Contact me today to find out why Arai Financial is the choice for your company's financial needs.




A Trusted and Professional Financial Analyst

As a business owner myself, I know how difficult it can be to wear all of the hats that come with being an entrepreneur.  Dealing with the minutiae of bookkeeping, reporting, and financial analysis consumes precious moments that could be spent elsewhere. Whether you want to spend more free time with friends and family or focus on strategic decision-making for your business, Arai Financial can help.

My name is Christian Elkins and I was born and raised in Memphis, TN.  After earning my Finance degree from Middle Tennessee State University, I returned home where I began a 16 year (and counting) career in the corporate financial planning, analysis, and reporting field.  Working in corporate finance has given me great insight into how large companies strategize and make business decisions.  I quickly realized that businesses of all sizes could flourish if they implemented similar decision-making process as larger corporate companies.  This knowledge, along with my passion for helping business owners, led me to create Arai Financial. 


What I know for sure is that accurate, complete, and current financial data is essential for all strategic decisions.  It all begins with bookkeeping.  Bookkeeping is the very foundation of businesses, and your company will never grow to its full potential if this function is neglected or performed incorrectly.  Allow me to create and maintain a solid financial foundation to grow your business.  Arai Financial is a virtual company that offers services to businesses across the nation.  I can help your company no matter where you are located.




Get in touch anytime. I look forward to hearing from you.

6000 Poplar Ave
Ste 250
Memphis, TN 38119


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